A birthday is a day that comes once a year when a person celebrates the anniversary of his or her birth. Birthdays are celebrated...

A birthday is a day that comes once a year when a person celebrates the anniversary of his or her birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party, or rite of passage.

Birthdays are an important tradition all over the world. Although birthday celebrations are quite similar in some countries today, not everyone celebrates in the same way. Most significant factors have been geographic location, tradition/custom, spiritual belief and religion. Also, family history, culture, language and economic status affect the way a person observes birthday celebration. Some people like to forget them. Others prefer smaller celebrations. But for some, the day must be a joyous celebration, an opportunity for your friends and family to come together and congratulate you for surviving another year.

Birthdays started when early people had no way of keeping track and marking time (except by the moon, sun or by some important event) little attention was paid to the anniversary of a person's birth. Everyone realized that people grew older as time passed but they didn't mark any special milestone for it. Only when ancient peoples began taking notice of the moon's cycles, did they pay attention to the changing seasons and the pattern that repeated itself over and over and so they began to mark and note time changes.

It is believed that Romans were the first civilization to celebrate birthdays for non-religious figures. Romans would celebrate birthdays for friends and families, while the government created public holidays to observe the birthdays of more famous citizens. Those celebrating a 50th birthday party would receive a special cake made of wheat flour, olive oil, honey and grated cheese.

Watch this short video on how birthday is celebrated around the world.

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