Inspiring Videos
You Will Not Become Free Unless You Remove The Same Mask
1:23 AM
Many people nowadays are wearing a mask;
maybe you are too. We believe them to be a particular person when in reality
they are someone else. Perhaps they always smile and act really happy but
inside they are scared and insecure. Soon they will show their other side,
sometimes referred to as their “dark side”
Unless you will remove the same mark, you
will not become free. When you take off your mask and become yourself; no more
self-pity or self dis-approval. You will be the same everyday without inhibitions,
shame or blame.
Grab your mask, rip it off and throw into
the trash. Go inside and find out who you truly are and live as that person. Don't
let society define your Identity or to tell you who you have to be. The truth is already inside of you. Don't lose
who you are.
Make the choice today. Believe that you
are wonderful, fantastic and magnificent individual with the power to live the
life you want to be.
source: Kalhil KJ Adames @ youtube
source: Kalhil KJ Adames @ youtube