What Keeps Us Healthy And Happy?

In this very enlightening video this question will be answered – What keeps us healthy and happy? Most of us think its wealth and fame...

In this very enlightening video this question will be answered – What keeps us healthy and happy?

Most of us think its wealth and fame. We were constantly told to lean on work, to push harder and achieve more, we were given the impression that these are the things we need to go after in order to have a good life and keeps us happy. But all these years we were fooled about this idea.

For over 75 years, The Harvard University of Adult Development tracks the lives of 724 men asking about their work and life in order to know what keeps us healthy and happy. The results aren’t about fame, wealth or working harder. But relationships

“Good relationship keeps us happier and healthier.”

In this talk, psychiatrist Robert Waldinger shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling long life. These are

1. People who are more socially connected to family, friends, to community are happier, they are physically healthier, and they live longer.

2. It’s not the number of friends you have, not whether you are in committed relationships but it is the quality of your close relationships that matters.

3. Good relationships don’t just protect our bodies, they protect our brains.

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