Technology has transformed the lifestyle of people today. We become citizens of “Fast-Paced Generation”. We want anything “fast” – fast...

Technology has transformed the lifestyle of people today. We become citizens of “Fast-Paced Generation”. We want anything “fast” – fast results, fast relationships, fast cars, fast services, fast foods, faster gadgets, etc.

Our youth nowadays, demand from their parents fast and high-end gadgets – cell phones would be their best choice. Not even thinking the financial hardship of their parents.

Mobile technology even contributes to our sedentary lifestyle which results to health related problems. Some spend more time using their cell phones than doing something useful and productive. It becomes among the things many people can’t live without.

Mobile technology demands attention, disturbed or interrupt our sleep, dinner, intimate moments and even our relationship with God. Worst, it ruins relationship. It

Compared to past generation, courtship now can be done through cell phone. Lovers became engaged even without meeting each other which is formalized after an eyeball date. More so, unique ways of sending text messages were created which hampers our communication skills.

There’s nothing wrong with mobile technology as it greatly enhanced the way we communicate with each other, thus making life easier. But it should not affect our behavior and relationship. It should be used for some productive things and to strengthen relationship with our family, kids, and loveones.

Watch this short video. I hope it will enlighten you

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video source: dtac feel good @

Best Regards,

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